Are you looking for ways to keep your home or business cool while also saving money on energy bills? If so, then you should consider maximizing the efficiency of your air conditioning system. There are several simple steps you can take to ensure that your system is running as efficiently as possible.

1. Change The Air Filter Regularly
The air filter in your air conditioner is responsible for trapping dust, pollen, and other particles from entering your home. If the filter becomes clogged, it will reduce airflow and cause your air conditioner to work harder. To avoid this issue, it's important to change the filter regularly—usually every three months depending on the type of filter and amount of dust in your home.

2. Install A Programmable Thermostat
Installing a programmable thermostat can help you save money by allowing you to adjust the temperature according to your schedule. For example, if you are away from home during the day, set the thermostat higher so that it doesn't run unnecessarily. At night when you're at home, lower it for more comfort.

3. Keep Vents And Registers Clear
It's essential that vents and registers remain clear so that air can flow freely through them into your living space. Make sure furniture, carpets, curtains, or any other items aren't blocking any vents or registers; also check for debris or dirt buildup around them.

4. Have Your Air Conditioner Serviced Regularly
Having regular maintenance done on your air conditioner is one of the best ways to ensure its efficiency; an HVAC technician will inspect all components of the system during a service call and may suggest repairs or replacements that could improve its performance.

5. Use Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans are an excellent way to supplement cooling in a room without using extra energy—they circulate cool air throughout making it feel up to 8 degrees cooler than without them! Just remember to turn off when leaving a room so they don't waste energy.

By following these tips, you can maximize efficiency, save money, and stay comfortable. However, if after making these changes, there's still no improvement in performance, then contact an HVAC technician for further assistance.